Sunday, July 15, 2007

Time to change...

The car broke down.
The Kinetic Honda doesn’t start.

The cellphone is not getting charged.
The watch strap went for a toss.

The TV screen is showing only red.
The washing machine is not working properly.

As one person told me,
One has to live, and one has to live well.’

That’s when I decided.
Its time for a new Me.

I got brochures for a new car. (Enough of buying used cars)
I will get a new two-wheeler. (Pre-conditions to be satisfied)

I got a new cellphone (which isn’t really my type, yet I like it)
New strap, but not yet a new watch. (Its too dear to me!)

TV is sent for repair. (Family didn’t approve for a new one, although I was ready!)
Washing machine is being replaced. (Damn salesman never came over the weekend)

Perhaps, not yet,
But I feel like George Costanza of Seinfeld.

When doing things the way one has been doing all one’s life doesn’t seem to be working, then, its time to be the exact opposite of what one actually is.
I haven’t yet been able to transform myself into the exact opposite of what I have been, but changes are on its way.

1 comment:

Guru said...

but why should u change?