Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The 3 shoes on the T-shirt

The other day, I saw a girl wearing a black T-shirt
That just had 3 shoes lined up vertically in the middle.

This made me wonder.
What in Heaven’s name was that design supposed to mean?

What could have inspired the designer to imagine such a T-shirt?
What could have inspired the girl to buy and wear such a T-shirt?

Just goes to show, to borrow a Wodehouse phrase,
“It takes all kinds to make this world!”

But hey, wait a minute.
Because the shirt had such a unique design, I noticed it and so would have many others.

Perhaps this was the inspiration behind the designer’s design!
To create a design that does not make any sense but catches the attention of passers-by!

Perhaps this was the inspiration behind the girl’s sense of attire!
To wear a shirt that stands out and makes people look at it!

And me, like many others, fell for it in a flat.
Now, include me when I say “it takes all kinds to make this world!”


NR said...

Reminds me of all the Tantra T-shirts which I used to see when I was in Mumbai (pre-Infy days). The statements were so catchy and unique, people used to 250 Rs without thinking twice. Those T shirts used to fly off the shelf in a few minutes. And yes, Rs 250 was worth a bunch in those days. :-)

Guru said...

I guess a 'modern art' artist can help you to understand such complex designs.

Well, it could be the complexity or it could be the result of a super confusion.